报告题目: Algebraic Heun operator and its applications
报告人:Oleksiy Zhedanov教授,新葡京娱乐城门户网站
The algebraic Heun operator is a new object which can be considered as a wide extension of classical differential and difference operators. This operator has many remarkable properties and leads to new exactly and quasi-exactly solvable problems in mathematical physics and applied mathematics. One of practical application of this operator is band and time limiting in theory of the Fourier transform.
Professor Oleksiy Zhedanov is a well-known specialist in mathematical physics. His areas of interest are Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials, Integrable systems, Algebraic Methods, Quantum Information and applications of these subjects to Physics.
He received PhD in Theoretical Physics in Donetsk University (Ukraine) in 1986.
Starting from mid of 90-th, he is actively collaborating with several groups of researches in Montreal University, Kyoto University and JINR (Dubna, Russia). Now he is a professor of the School of Mathematics in Renmin University of China.
One of his main achievements is “Zhedanov’s algebra” – an algebraic object which plays a central role in many exactly solvable problems in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
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