报告题目: Variations on the IFSs
报告人:Jacques Peyrière教授,法国Paris-Sud大学数学系
Starting from a set of contractions of a complete metric space X, the IFS formalism (Iterated Functions System) is a way to construct a contraction of the space of nonempty compact subsets of X, endowed with the Hausdorff metric. We propose other constructions of such contractions. An example is developed and the structure of the corresponding fixed point partially elucidated. A few problems and conjectures, supported by formal computations, are listed.
Professor Jacques Peyrière is a famous mathematician in the world. His domains of interest are Harmonic Analysis, Probability Theory, Fractal Geometry, Finite Automata Theory in connection with Number Theory and some applications to Physics.
Jacques Peyrière’s advisor was Jean-Pierre Kahane, and he spend one year with IBM as Postdoc with Benoit Mandelbrot.
Jacques Peyrière is Emeritus Professor at Paris-Sud University (Orsay). He visited for long periods universities where he taught, namely Beihang, Yale, and Tsinghua.
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