

学术邀请汇报:Tying Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Different-Length Time Series

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报告题目:Tying Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Different-Length Time Series∗

报告时间:2025 年 3 月 12 日 13:30 - 15:00

报告地点:数学楼 216 会议室


Qingfeng Liu 教授任职于日本法政大学工业与系统工程系。2007 年于日本京都大学获得经济学博士学位后,在美国普林斯顿大学运筹学与金融工程系担任研究助理(2007 年 4 月 - 2008 年 10 月)。随后,在日本小樽商科大学经济系任职,从副教授(2009 年 4 月 – 2015 年 9 月)晋升为教授(2009 年 10 月 - 2022 年),期间还曾在日本京都大学经济研究所(2015 年 4 月 - 2016 年 3 月)和美国哥伦比亚大学统计系(2018 年 10 月 - 2019 年 8 月)担任访问学者 。

Liu 教授的研究方向广泛,涵盖 Econometrics(计量经济学)、Statistics(统计学)以及 Machine Learning(机器学习)。他学术成果丰硕,在 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics、Econometric Reviews、Econometrics Journal 等国际一流的专业计量和统计杂志上发表了数十篇高质量论文 。


本次研究提出了一种 tying maximum likelihood estimation(TMLE,捆绑最大似然估计)方法,旨在提升统计和计量经济模型的估计性能。在这些模型中,多数时间序列具有较长的样本周期,而部分时间序列的周期则显著更短。TMLE 通过将长周期时间序列的参数与短周期时间序列的参数相捆绑,促进有价值信息的传递,进而提高短周期序列参数估计的准确性。Liu 教授将在报告中详细阐述 TMLE 的渐近性质,并推导在固定调整参数(该参数决定捆绑强度)下的有限样本风险边界。此外,还将介绍一种基于自举法(bootstrapping)的调整参数选择方法,并提供有限样本理论以指导该方法的有效实施。大量的模拟和实证应用表明,TMLE 在点估计和预测方面均表现出色。

Tying Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Different-Length Time Series* 

Masamune Iwasawa Qingfeng Liu Ziyan Zhao

Abstract: This study proposes a tying maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE)method to improve the estimation performance of statistical and econometric models where most time series have long sample periods while others have significantly shorter periods. TMLE achieves this by tying the parameters of the long time series to those of the short ones, facilitating the transfer of valuable information to improve the parameter estimation accuracy for the short series. We establish the asymptotic properties of TMLE and derive its nite-sample risk bound under a fixed tuning pa-rameter that determines the strength of the tying. Further, we propose a bootstrapping-based method for

selecting the tuning parameter and provide fi nite-sample theories to guide the effective execution of this procedure. Extensive simulations and empirical applications demonstrate that TMLE exhibits outstanding performance in terms of both point estimates and forecasts.

JEL Classication: C00, C13, C30, C50

Keywords: Parameter tying, dependent data, small sample, maximum likelihood estimator, bootstrapping 17, 2024


报告时间: 2025年3月12日13: 30---15 :00 


Qingfeng Liu(刘庆丰 Professor

Department of Industrial and System Engineering Hosei University, Japan PhD (Economics), Kyoto University ,2007

Research Associate, Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Princeton University, USA. April 2007 - October 2008.

Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Otaru University of Commerce. Japan, October

2009 - 2022.

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan, April 2015 - March 2016. Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Otaru University of Commerce.

Japan,April 2009 – September 2015.

Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, Columbia University, USA, October 2018 -August 2019. 

研究方向: Econometrics, Statistics, Machine Learning.

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Econometric Reviews, Econometrics Journal等国际 一流专业计量和统计杂志发表数十篇论文。










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