报告题目:Random walks on Hecke algebras
报告人:陈凯伦 (莱比锡大学 数学研究所)
报告摘要:Recently, random walks on Hecke algebras were recognized by A. Bufetov as a natural framework for the study of multi-species interacting particle systems. As a corollary, the Mallows measure can be viewed as the universal stationary blocking measure of interacting particle systems arising from random walks on Hecke algebras. Furthermore, the involution in Hecke algebras implies the color-position symmetry, which is a powerful tool for the asymptotic analysis of multi-species interacting particle systems. In this talk, we explore two facets of random walks on Hecke algebras. The first part focuses on the asymptotic behavior of the Mallows measure. In the second part, we consider applications of the color-position symmetry, particularly in the context of shock fluctuations in the half-line open Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) and Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (ASEP).
报告时间:12月24日(周二) 上午10:00-11:00
报告人简介:Kailun Chen has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at Leipzig University since October 2022. He received his PhD from Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests are at the interface of probability theory, statistical physics, mathematical physics and representation theory, algebraic combinatorics, integrable systems, especially Integrable Probability and KPZ Universality.