

新葡京娱乐城门户网站 讲座:Cancer early detection based on Structure equation models with homeostasis

报告人:Hongbin Fang, Dept. of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics, Georgetown University Medical Center and Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

报告时间:  2018年7月5日(星期四)15:30---16:30

报告地点: 信息楼三层数学系研讨室

Title:  Cancer early detection based on Structure equation models with homeostasis

Abstract: We consider a new classification approach in the high-dimensional multiple

source data setting, in which the number of features is much larger than the number of observations. The approach is motivated from the typical disease classification where the features in one group may have certain correlation structures that do not present in the other group, and this setting has become commonplace in biological and medical applications. Linear discriminant analysis (with a link function) is a classical method for this problem and more recently various machine learning algorithms are also being used, but the correlation structures have not been accounted in most methods. In this paper, we develop an integrative classification approach utilizing structural equations to model the homeostasis inherent in the control group and as characterized by phenotypes and biomarkers. The correlation structures and the parameters are estimated using only the data from the control group. The structural equation models no longer hold in the diseased group where the correlation often become less informative. The specificity and sensitivity are determined by choosing the confidence intervals of estimated parameters. The method is then used to analyze a real multi-platform genomics dataset and compared with the logistic regression analysis. The proposed method performs well.

报告人简介:方宏彬,美国乔治城大学生物统计系教授。1998年毕业于香港浸会大学,获博士学位。方宏彬教授主要研究方向为:Clinical Trials, Survival Analysis, Longitudinal and Functional Data Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Theory of Distributions in Statistics, Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis in Drug Development。

目前已在Biometrics, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Journal of Computational Systems Biology, Statistics in Medicine, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Frontiers in Bioscience, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, BMC Bioinformatics 等杂志上发表近100篇文章。










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