报告题目:An arithmetic version of the stack of G-bundles on a curve
报告人:Laurent Fargues,法国国家科学研究中心研究员、法国索邦大学Jussieu数学研究所
In our joint work with Fontaine we defined and studied what we call the curve, a p-adic object that allowed us to recast p-adic Hodge theory in a geometric framework. Later I introduced the stack of G-bundles on this curve, a perfectoid stack that allowed me to formulate a geometric Langlands type conjecture for the classical local Langlands correspondence. I will explain the structure of this new object and its fascinating properties.
Laurent Fargues研究员是2018年国际数学家大会(ICM)报告人。其研究领域为数论与算术几何,是当今p进Hodge理论研究的顶尖专家。他与法国科学院院士Fontaine教授共同发现了p进Hodge理论的基本曲线,也称为Fargues-Fontaine曲线。该曲线的出现完全地改变了p进Hodge理论的研究状态;该曲线也是p进Langlands纲领几何化实现的强有力工具。在该报告中,Fargues研究员将介绍这方面的研究。
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