1997-2002 北京交通大学
2002/07---2018/06 中国人民大学信息学院;
2018/07-至今 新葡京娱乐城门户网站
☆ Y.Chen,Zhi.Chen,H.Lai, P.Li,Erling Wei, On Spanning Disjoint Paths in Line Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 29, 1721-1731, 2013.
☆ Ronald Gould, Wenliang Tang, Erling Wei, Cunquan Zhang*,Edge Spectrum of Saturation Number for Small Paths, Discrete Mathematics,312,2682-2689,2012。
☆ Erling Wei*, Wenliang Tang, Xiaofeng Wang,Flows in 3-edge-connected bidirected graphs,Front. Math. China , 6, 339–348,2011.
☆ Xuezheng Lv, Zixu Yan , Erling Wei*,The Merrifield-Simmons Indices of Triangle-Trees withkPendant-Triangles, International J.Math.Combin. 2016.
☆ Ren Han , Erling Wei*, Decycling number and graph embedding, Advances in Mathematics.2016.
☆ Erling Wei, Wenliang Tang and Dong Ye, Nowhere-zero 15-Flows in 3-Edge-connected Bi-directed. Graphs, ACTA Mathematicae Sinica, 30 (4) (2014) 646–660.
☆ 魏二玲 李益凡,广义Petersen图的消圈数与上可嵌入性, 数学学报 2013 ,211-216.
☆ Erling Wei, Ye Chen, Ping Li, Hong-Jian Lai*,Every $N_2$-locally connected claw-free graph with minimum degree at least 7 is $Z_3$-connected,Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (DMAA),3,193-201, 2011.
☆ Li zhaoxiang*,Erling Wei, Xu J, Liu Y.P.,Chromatic sums of 2-edge-connected maps on the projective plane,JCMA,34,71-81,2010.
☆ Erling Wei* and Liu Y.P., Determination of regular embeddings of graphs on surface, Utilitas Mathematica, 59(2001), 237-251.
☆ Mao Linfan*, Liu Y.P. andErling Wei, The semi-arc automorphism group of a graph with application to map enumeration, Graphs and Combinatorics, 22, 83-101,2006.
☆ Hao Rongxia*, He weili, Liu Yanpei andErling Wei, The genus distributions for a certain type pf permutation graphs in orientable surfaces, Science in China Series A:mathematics, 50, 1748-1754,2007.
☆ Erling Wei*and Liu Y.P., Weak embedding of planar graphs, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing,21175-187,2006.
☆ Erling Wei*, Liu Y.P. and Li Zhaoxiang, Decycling number of circular graphs, ISORA'09, ORSC & APORC, 387—393,2009.
☆ 三正则图的嵌入性质及其应用,11401576,2015.01-2017.12